Apostolic History Outline by Reverend Marvin Arnold D.D.TH.D. The Apostolic History Outline is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also dedicated to these pious and unknown persons who, through the centuries, kept the biblical tenets that constitute Acts 2:38 alive and utilized.
This book affirms that the Upper Room Church of Acts of the Preface Apostles in chapter two, AD 30, Jerusalem, was alive and doctrinally utilized in every decade since the Day of Pentecost until this moment. This is to say, the Church of Acts chapter two never died and never ceased to function. Further, it never digressed into a lesser form. Specifically, it never became Grecized or Latinized, meaning it was never associated with Catholicism. Moreover, it was never in the hands of Martin Luther. Apostolic Christian doctrine (Acts 2:1-4, 36, 38; Deuteronomy 6:4) has always been separated and apart from any other religion that would not have or hold Acts chapter two doctrinal tenets.
When the twelve Apostles legally, by divine command (Acts 10:42), laid down Acts 2:38 doctrine they understood that it was to be utilized in every decade of the two thousand (2000) year Church Age.
We believe that it somewhat injures the image of Christ’s own New Testament religion, which was based upon the pristine Upper Room Doctrine, to think it digressed into western Mediterranean Catholicism. Equally, we think it incorrect to say that Luther restored the pure and holy Church that Christ himself founded. (Saint Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:1–39). The divinely established Church of Acts chapter two could never digress so as to become controlled by unregenerated men. We think it wrong to assume that Martin Luther, in his conductual-averagism, could restore such a high and holy doctrine as the Apostles of the Lamb laid down. Acts 2:38 tenets were always used; the doctrine never needed restoring. We disclaim the step-by-step idea. We place emphasis upon “The gates of hell shall never prevail against Christ’s Church (doctrine).”
This outline has many proofs with which to assure the reader that the Biblical Church of Acts chapter two never died or became something else. Its divine founding on the Day of Pentecost insured its eternal continuity.